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- Lublin castle was destroyed much earlier by Sweeds in 17th century not during ww2. What you can see now was built in 19th century as a... prison. Luckily the tower and the Saint Trinity Chapel survived. The Chapel is very unique on a global scale because it joins western gothic architecture with eastern orthodox paintings. You should see it when the museum reopens! ☺
- Tu też można doczytać jak sobie radzić - odszkodowanie po śmierci i to by było na tyle.
- Nice video. I love the way you took time walking around and explaining the whole street. Keep it up
- Thanks for showing beautification of lublin,Are there student jobs that student can do In lublin
- i like your all videos and after few month latter i joine a new job in lublin city i hope we are meet early
anyway now im from warsaw city
- Excellent!thank you 😀
- Lublin's my home city I left many years ago. So depressing and sad to see it so empty in December when normally you would have Christmas market and loads of people enjoying themselves outdoors... Stay safe guys wherever you are and hopefully see you again on the streets of this beautiful city.
- Have a great time in Lublin! That’s my hometown. Beautiful place. How you like it :)
- Nice video with beautiful historic based buildings
- Wow Lublin is beautiful
- You made Lublin look amazing
- Loved the video💜💜
- 1:59 Ciesz się że ogólnie coś robią. U mnie w Łodzi jak zaczęli remontować ulicę kilka lat temu, to do tej pory remont trwa. Nawet któregoś lata ktoś sobie pomidorki tam posadził :D
- Lublin I'm coming
- I will be there very soon
- Hi Rumbie,

Do you mind if you can share with me your email address, I have few questions as I will be moving to Poland very soon.

- Nice tour. The only thing missing was snow, but we've got that now in Lublin as well.

EDIT: a shame about that aggressive guy..
- My birthday🎉🎊💃💐😭🌹🙏